Hava Mustafić

Hava Mustafić (b. 1956) came to Srebrenica in 1993 with her family, thinking that they would be safer there.

Hava’s husband Behadil (b. 1957) and son Osman (b. 1980) experienced the fate of many men from Srebrenica – they were killed in an attempt to reach free territory. They were found in the same mass grave.

She donated her husband’s tobacco box to the archives of the Srebrenica Memorial Center for permanent retention and as a memorial to everything that happened in 1995.

“I can only hope that no one will ever experience the horrors we have survived.”

Hava’s testimony was documented within the multimedia project, “Memento: Fragments of the Srebrenica Genocide,” which is produced by the Srebrenica Memorial Center and the Post-Conflict Research Center.